PA Recruitment Agency

By Olivia Coughtrie

Office desk with coffee, laptop and notepad

Whether you’re looking for recruitment in London, Liverpool, Edinburgh, or even in the US, you will come across recruitment agencies that offer general recruitment and others that specialise in industries or roles.

There are, of course, benefits for working with each kind of recruitment agency, depending on the type of service that you are searching for.

One of the types of specialist agencies you might come across is a PA recruitment agency.

What is a PA recruitment agency?

Quite simply, a PA recruitment agency is one that specialises in the hiring of personal assistants.

Whereas general agencies cater to a large range of roles and industries, PA recruitment industries focus solely on filling roles for businesses requiring personal assistants.

What are the advantages of working with a PA recruitment agency?

Although general recruitment agencies are often great for filling positions on behalf of their clients, PA recruitment agencies are able to focus all their strength, knowledge, and experiences into just one specialist role.

PA recruitment agencies have specialist industry knowledge

This means that PA recruitment agencies can spend large sums of time, money, and effort into working on this one particular role.

With years of experience at hand, PA recruitment agencies have the inside knowledge and connections for working with all types of companies that require personal assistants.

With a specialist PA recruitment agency, therefore, you should be able to talk to absolutely anyone within that company and hold an in-depth conversation about exactly what you require.

PA recruitment agencies save time

Any specialist recruitment agency will have the knowledge and resources to get your position(s) filled as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

Part of this is because a PA recruitment consultant will have the ability to read and analyse CVs with supreme accuracy as they will know exactly what experience, specialities, and qualifications to search for.

PA recruitment agencies will have superior vetting processes

Once CVs are selected, PA recruitment specialists can get to work vetting candidates and will do so with tried and tested methods and techniques.

Whereas general recruitment agencies need to learn about the industry and roles every time they take on a new contract, PA recruitment agencies will have the knowledge and foresight to get to work straight away.

Having years of knowledge about the industry, both from the inside and the outside means that PA recruitment agencies can source and engage with eager and prospective personal assistants from the get-go.

PA recruitment agencies save money

Possibly one of the greatest benefits of working with a specialist PA recruitment agency is the fact that they save businesses money.

Through great efficiency, which is built on experience and expertise, PA recruitment agencies, such as ourselves, can get you the candidates you need for the role as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

If you would like to know more about how a PA recruitment agency could help your business, check out our contact page for more information.

Posted in Hiring on Apr 29, 2020

Olivia Coughtrie

About the Author

Olivia Coughtrie
Director at Oriel Partners

Prior to co-founding Oriel Partners in 2018, Olivia was previously an Associate Director at a boutique, West End secretarial agency where she worked for almost 7 years, focusing on senior level briefs across all industry sectors...


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  • Where to recruit the best PA candidates

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